Perak Continues Forging Cooperation with Aceh in Education

The Perak and Aceh governments will continue to foster cooperation in the field of education through the exchange of students between the two sides.

State Education, Science, Environment and Green Technology Committee chairman, Datuk Dr Muhammad Amin Zakaria said Perak had since a long time ago, established cooperation with Aceh, particularly in education.

“Based on this policy, there are Aceh students at the higher learning institutions here (Perak) like Kolej Universiti Islam Sultan Azlan Shah and Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, while there are Malaysian students studying in Aceh universities.”

He said this after attending a briefing with Perak government agencies on investment opportunities in Aceh by Iskandarsyah Bakri, senior adviser to the Aceh governor in the fields of Economy and Regional Development.

Muhammad Amin said while cooperation in education continued, they were also looking at other areas such as development and the economy.

On the briefing, Muhammad Amin said it was the second time and meant for the two sides to share information on the opportunities available, especially in education, and to see how Perak could assist the people of Aceh progress.

Iskandarsyah, meanwhile, hoped for closer cooperation with the universities in Perak in particular and Malaysia in general, besides the establishment of joint ventures in the long term to revive Aceh’s development.

He said almost 30 per cent of Aceh’s budget went to educational development and its government wanted to ensure sustainable development in Aceh. – Bernama